Fraser Island

Home Up Whales Fraser Island


Fraser Island is listed as a World Heritage site and is the largest sand island in the world being 125km long.

Endless Beaches of Fraser Island 

The diversity of landscapes on Fraser Island is truly breathtaking
from long sandy beaches to crystal-clear freshwater lakes and dense tropical rainforests.

Spectacular Rainforests on Fraser Island

If you haven't been camping on Fraser, you have missed an incredible experience. Besides the idyllic surroundings , the wildlife is plentiful, particularly in the form of Australia's notorious wild dog, the dingo which frequents campsites, and the fishing is great.

Camping on Fraser Island

Here are few links to sites where you can learn more about Fraser Island and the Fraser Coast.

Hervey Bay Tourism & Development Board

Boxatrix Hervey Bay

Mossy's FraserCoast Hideaway

Fraser Coast South Burnett Tourism Board

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